The Expert Software 4.4.0 is to be used in conjunction with the following end devices:
HomeServer 4
FacilityServer 4
HomeServer 3
FacilityServer 3
HomeServer 2
Iso for HS2.NET eliminated. This generation of devices cannot be supported any longer.
QuadClient / QuadConfig
Extension of import function in QuadConfig Automated import of function templates, plugins and icons from the project backup when an existing project is used in a new version of the Expert Software or of QuadConfig.
Extension of function template Switching plus 1-101 There is now the option to parameterise deviating texts when using the timer. Option: Deviating timer texts
Correction in QuadClient
Corrects an error, due to which the date display could not be correctly shown in French and Italian.
Corrects an error, due to which the "Lock" menu symbol stuck to the screen when scrolling.
Corrects an error, due to which the deactivation of timers via communication objects was incorrect in Polish.
Corrects an error, due to which the QuadClient reacted very slowly after it was not operated for a prolonged period.
Corrects an error in function template 1-122, due to which the slider was not operable at a step width between 0 and 1.
Corrects an error in the RSS feed reader plugin, due to which feeds without items generated an exception.
Corrects an error in the value display/weather station plugin, due to which offset tiles were displayed on positioning in first location in quadrants.
Corrections in QuadConfig
Corrects an error due to which the timer used was incorrectly assigned when importing function templates via the global library.
Corrects an error due to which the use of min. and max. boundary values in the communication object generated a warning.
Corrects an error in the function template "Switch plus 1-101", due to which an incorrect "Status on" symbol was used as default.
Corrects an error due to which the setting "Export to iPhone/iPad/Android" in the room was not correctly saved to the "Client_project.xml".
Corrects an error due to which the setting "Export to iPhone/iPad" in the room was not correctly saved to the "client_project.xml".
Corrects an error, due to which the configurations were not adopted after saving.
Corrects an error in the function template "Value input plus 1-125" due to which a min.-max. warning was generated, even though the boundaries were correct.
Corrects an error due to which the creation of a new project generated a fault message -> "No design was selected."
Corrects an error due to which the selection of step width "0" led to a fault message in the error log.
Corrects an error, due to which no data was saved, even though the order of subelements in a plugin had been changed.
Expert Software 4.4.0
Corrects an error, due to which no action was triggered, when an attempt was made to delete a used communication object via the delete button.
Corrects directories and version numbers of readme files.
Corrects an error due to which retentive data was lost as result of reprogramming.
Corrects a fault, due to which retentive data was not saved.
Corrects a fault in the translation of the English texts of the logic module "Heating – 9079" and "Cooling – 9087"