Downloads & Software-Updates


Gira G1 firmware update


Order No. 2067 05, 2067 12, 2069 05, 2069 12, 2077 05, 2077 12

ZIP, 178.847 Kb

Version: 1.2.53

Date: 24.04.2017


Important information

After the firmware update the Gira Logic Module is protected by a device password. The password is „device“. Please change the device password during configuration.

To perform the update the Gira Project Assistant V 2.1 is required. It is recommended to always use the latest available GPA version. Please follow the instructions in the enclosed documentation.

New functions

  • Room temperature controller in the Gira G1: In place of the previous "room temperature controller auxiliary unit" function, the user can utilise the control function integrated in the Gira G1 and in this way use the Gira G1 as a main
    The room temperature must be measured using an external KNX device.


  • Translation errors for Spanish and Chinese have been corrected.
  • Error during login of Gira G1 WLAN devices to WLAN Access Point has been rectified.
  • Black screen after camera activation has been fixed.