In the Gira G1’s header, the date and time can be hidden, e.g. if no internet access is available and the Gira G1 is unable to retrieve the date and time from an NTP server.
Extension of the “Door communication” application to include the “SIP Client” function:
Users can choose between “Gira door communication” and “SIP door communication” in the door communication application
Support for Comelit, Schüco and TCS’s SIP systems
The Gira G1’s SIP feature can be parametrised via the Gira G1’s passwordprotected service site (the service site is accessed via browser and Gira G1 IP address)
Direct SIP calls or via registrar
Door station camera can be called up
Internal calls to other Gira G1 SIP clients, concierge, etc.
12 ring tones available for selection
Ring tone deactivation
Door opener control can be adjusted via DTMF signal
Early media support for video image in advanceg
Known HomeServer client restrictions
No timer configuration
Direct plug-in changeover (plug-ins are only available via menu tiles)